About Me

Halloo Everyone..!! My name is Rina Riana Sondari , You can call me Rina..^^

Welcome to my homepage,, Hope you all enjoy it !! This is my self introduction if you want to know more about me..

Please check it out!!!

Now I want to introduce you to all members of my family.. ^^

My Father’s name is Sondjaja and my mother’s name is Mariana.. ( you can see where is my name came from hehe) They have retired from their job, those were public servant. Now they do farming in my mother’s hometown.

I have two siblings and they are much older than me :p The first is my sister, Tati Mustika Dewi. She is 35 years old now and working as public servant in Agriculture Department. She already married and has 2 children. Actually, now she is pregnant and the doctor said that the baby will come in early January.. ^^ Her husband is Joko Saptono. He’s working in a private company. The second is Firman Nugraha. He is 32 years old and now working in one of the biggest bank in Indonesia. He already has 3 chilren. His wife is Linlin. She is a house wife.

Waaw in short time I will have a new nephew hihi.. I’m so exited.

That’s all about my big family. I’m an aunty with 6 nephews and nieces..hhohoo

me, nieces,and nephews
-Rina 2009-