Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

momiji building building

Bandung Institute of Technology or Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) was established in 1920 with the first name De Techniche Hoogeschool te Bandung. This university is located at Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.

This university is one of the best university in Indonesia specialized in science, art, and technology. Now ITB has 13 faculties and schools , those are:

ITB is one of the historical place in Bandung. Its buildings have special architecture design. Many facilities are provided in this campus such as libraries, cafeteria, water fountain, sports fields, laboratories, internet connection, etc. Students also can join many student activities for art, education, and sports unit.

I have so many memories in this campus, many things I learn and get from here. Besides my own major knowledge, I learn many things like organizations, art, and culture, friendship and so on. I join Environmental Engineering Student Association as a place to learn organization and my major’s applications. I also join Lingkung Seni Sunda ITB (LSS ITB), one of the cultural and art activities specialized for Sundanese art and culture. Besides studying, we also can enjoy campus life and maintain our own culture. ^^

-Rina 2009-