Research in UEC

My research/self study in UEC this semester is Dirtiness Measurement using Variable Perception and Image Processing. Because of perceptions of dirtiness level must be varied, a method is necessary to explain about dirtiness level specifically to make it has a technical meaning (we can explain it based on logical way not only intuition) so that it is expectable can be used to minimize the refractions of dirtiness level valuation. This method can be used as consideration in garbage management, such as calculating sources and facilities needed in coping with the dirtiness.

Analyzing pictures with varies dinginess rate using certain software to determine the quantity of garbage in place where the pictures taken place based on pixel quantities of each picture. Then analyze the questionnaire result so that we can get perceptions and opinion about the pictures. These data are analyzed descriptively with a requirement that is must be in normal distribution. The result of picture analyzing and questionnaire are processed become a rate or an index of dinginess.

Rina 2009