First Impression of Japan

My first impression is yes!! This is like what I saw in the Japanese serial!!! It’s clear, neat, and everything is easy. Vending machines are everywhere, convenient stores provide many services. We don’t have to find a certain post office or a certain place to pay our bills, there’s photocopy machines, and so on. It’s really convenient for us!!!

I don’t see many kinds of public transportations in here. I just see busses, taxi, and the most common is train. Most of people use train so that I can’t see any traffic jam^^. I’m surprised when I see there are so many bicycles parked in the sidewalk. Actually I can’t ride a bicycle well and this thing makes me nervous. Once I borrowed a bicycle to my dormitory and try to ride it like other people and I decided that walking is the best way for me. I can’t stand too keep riding on a bike in a narrow street and full of people. It’s so stressful for me>.<

The weather nowadays is very cold for me because I usually live in 25-26 Celsius degrees and now here is about 9-11 Celsius degrees. It makes me hungry every time haha.. Another thing is about the food. I have an experience about it. Once, I buy some foodstuff and I buy some liquid yellow thing in a bottle that I thought it is frying oil. Off course I don’t know what is that actually because there is no English in the label. I used that thing for frying food for almost a week and I wondered that my cooking is not done well and they were stick into my frying pan. I thought there is something wrong with the pan but after my Taiwanese friend come into my room and see it, She was surprised why do I cook with that thing. And she told me that it is actually not an oil, it’s a vinegar for salad. I feel so stupid and embarrassed >.< hihiii..

Generally Japanese foods are delicious, wasabi is included^^. I think eat sushi or any other Japanese food is not complete without wasabi. Although I always crying while eating wasabi. ^^

However, I like living in Japan. I think we have to learn so many things from this country and the people.

-Rina 2009-