Life in Japan

Fourteen years ago, I had been in Japan. That time I just 9 years old and I didn't interest in technology may be because I just a child. Now I've came back to Japan onece against.

First thing that as I though; Japan is a country that's lead in technology in this present time. There have many advance technology that I never see in Thailand such as technology of mobile phone in Japan is very useful and very interesting. Not only mobile phone, laptop in Japan is very small and a performance is better enough for do a works. In my country there don't have any device that small and useful like in Japan.

People in Japan they likes to use trains and bicycles that why it's very low of pollution found in the air and weather is very clean. Also Japan is a country that has many seasons, it's make Japan be a country that good for travel and stay.I also likes japanese foods too. Now I've realize that may be one years in japan is not enough for me.