

   Fine French architecture bears testimony to the importance of Savannakhet during the colonial area.

Fossils of dinosaur bones were discovered in 1930 and are housed in the Dinosaur Exhibition Hall in the provincial capital.



   Religious sites include the temple of Wat Ing Hang, built during the reign of King Sikhottabong and is meant to mark the place where Lord Buddha rested while visiting the Kingdom of Sikhottabong.

   Hortay Pidok Library of 200 year old palm leaf manuscripts written in ancient Kham-Pali and Loa alphabets. It is located in Nong Lam Cham village, Champhone District.

   Heuane Hine (Stone House) is a shrine built by the ancient Khmer to the glory of their Empire, located in Ban Dong, Dokmay Songkhone district.


   That Phon Stupa is also another important religious figure. Constructed between the year 227 to 700. festive rite is annually organized in the full moon of the first month of the lunar calendar to pay respects to Phra Shiva and other Lords of Hinduism. Parts of the Ho Chi Minh trail and remnants of American tanks and warplanes can also be visited in Phinc District on route 9, close to the Lao Bao border checkpoint with Vietnam.




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