
Home University Introduction

Located in Chengdu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), formerly Chengdu Institute of Radio Engineering (CIRE), is reputed to be "the cradle of China's national electronic industry".

UESTC has two campuses, occupying 2.67 km2 (about 660 acres). The new campus has 25,000 sets of equipment with a library of over three million volumes, and the largest gymnasium in an Asian university. It is the only higher-education institution in China that covers all 6 National Key Disciplines in electronic and information science and technology. It also has 22 Ministerial or Provincial Key Disciplines, 4 National Key Labs and 39 Ministerial or Provincial Key Labs. Built on the MIT model and as a member of "Project 985", UESTC is an electronics-centered multidisciplinary leading research university located in Chengdu China, currently enrolling over 10,000 research students and about 14,000 undergraduates in 14 academic Schools.The most recent official ranking made by Ministry of Education, which was published in the "People's Daily", ranked UESTC the 5th among the 39 "Project 985" Universities.

UESTC currently has co-training agreements in place with over 40 overseas institutions, such as Purdue University, University of Glasgow and University of Minnesota in the World Top 100 University League. At various levels, UESTC collaborates with more than 300 overseas institutions and multi-national companies. There are over 1,000 overseas companies collocated with UESTC in Chengdu, including over 100 Fortune 500's, such as 3M, Dell, HP, Intel, Microsoft, Motorola and so on.

When autume comes, the campus is full of this kind of trees and it is very beautiful!
