I Visit & Recommend

Here are a few of my  feeds:

Lifehaking & Computer Technology

  • Zen Habits
  •        - ˇ°We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then,
        is not an act, but a habit.ˇ±

  • Affordable Internet Marketing
  •        - Share online marketing strategies, techniques,
        tips and tricks

  • Tianya Haige(Web2.0)
  •        - Web2.0Share: Web2.0, WebApp, Mobile2.0,
  • GTD Life
  •        - Time management; Self-improvement

    You can also visit my friends' sites
    (catagorased by height)

  •  Zhao Shuyang
  • Frilla Hafnesi
  • Lin Paihui
  • Rina Rihanna Sandari