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Myself and Hobbies
My name is Edder Martin Gutierrez Mojica, is was born in Mexico City on 2nd September 1974. Since I have memory of the begining of my life I have always been and lived with the sweet company of my loved mother, her nickname is Lalita. I have always lived in her house and I have of that the most beautiful memories of my life, she is one of the loves of my life.
Actually my family has grown, now I have my woman, Yadira Villagran, better known as Yadi. She is mexican as well and the most beutiful and smart woman I never met before, I met her in my first official work. We have a 8 month baby boy, his name is Isaac Gutierrez Villagran, he is my reason of living and I am sure her also.
My major is Communication and Electronic Engineering, I studied in one of the most important Universities of Mexico, the National Polytechnique Institute, in spanish IPN. I finished in late december 1999. In the begining of 2000 I was selected to work in Ericcson Telecom, when I remember this stage of mi life I always feel very happy, a lot of memories come to my mind. In this company I had the opportunity to learn more of the telecommunication world, specifically I was working for 3 years with the GSM cellular network standard. I do not how but, I was teaching GSM courses to telecommuncation companies personal, this activity involves to travel a lot, I had the opportunity to know a lot of places in Mexico and others countries. Really that part was one of the best in Ericsson. Nowadays I am studying a Master Degree in the IPN. My supervisor, Dr. Igor Loboda, and me are working with the Diagnostics of Gas Turbine Engines applying Neural Networks Theory. I hope to be graduated in the begining of 2006.
Some of my hobbies are related to sports, I like to practice outdoor sports. Soccer is one of my favorities ones but, the sport I do really enjoy seeing is Charreria, this is the Mexican National Sport, it is related with horses and bulls and is specially for men and real women. I would like that my son, Isaac, practice Charreria in a formal way, it will be his own decision, but I hope he wanted to do it.
Best Regards