催事名(Event) |
First Career Seminar & Job Fair
for Foreign Students & International Careered Students |
![[20101218 Job Fair Logo]](images/20101218_flyer_job_fair2.jpg)
(Download Available) |
特長 (Exclusively to Foreign Students and Global Careered Students)
- 外国人留学生、帰国学生、日本人留学経験者を歓迎!
This event welcome foreign students and international careered students of
science & engineering majors.
- 留学生に分かりやすい就活のセミナーの開催
Easy Guidance on Job Recruitment for Foreign Students & International
Careered Students in Japan
- 「留学などの特徴あるキャリア」と「自分に適した企業選び」に関するセミナー開催!
Guidance and Seminar on how to match up global careered students with
companies variations.
開催期日(Date) |
12月18日(土曜日) |
December 18 (Saturday), 2009 |
開催時間(Time) |
13:00-18:00 |
開催場所(Venue) |
電気通信大学 大学会館4階 多目的ホール |
Event Hall (4th Floor) at
University Center (Dai-Gaku-Kai-Kan)
National University of Electro-Communications, Japan |
(Entry Conditions) |
・当日、3社以上の企業ブースを訪問もすること。 |
・Students from UEC, TITech, TUAT
or Students whose majors are in the areas of science or engineering only.
・Students who have prospects to graduate from their
university after April, 2011 or later.
・The participants have to visit more than three(3) companies
in the job fair session on that day.
UEC: National University of Electro-Communications, Japan
TiTech: Tokyo Institute of Technology
TUAT: Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology |
(Application) |
・ 参加企業紹介冊子をダウンロードして、熟読の上、当日の企業ブースの回り方をよく検討してください。 |
pre-registration at
http://online.fedu.uec.ac.jp/jobs/ until Friday of December 17th, but
before Saturday December 18th, 2009. ・On-site registration is also
available. However, you may spend several minuets to fill-in necessary
documents. ・
Download the Seminar Booklet and read it
very carefully, in order to make a plan how to visit company booths on that
day. |
受付(Entrance) |
-但し、学生証の提示を頂きます。 |
Entrance Free -
Student ID is required at the entrance. |
日程(Schedule) |
13:00-14:00 「わが社における外国人エンジニアのキャリアモデル紹介」
- (1)入社後の人事制度-給与・処遇制度について学ぼう!
- (2)入社後の技術系キャリアモデルについて学ぼう!
- (3)企業を選ぶ視点を学ぼう!
Session #1 (Career
13:00-14:20 "Career Models of Foreign Engineers at My Company"
- (1)Typical Japanese Human Resource Management
- (2)Career Models of Foregin Engieerrs at My Company
- (3)Tips for Company Analyses and Job Hunting
Session #2 (Job Fair)
14:30-18:00 合同企業説明会
- (01)バンダイナムコゲームス
- (02)NEC情報システムズ
- (03)NTT ソフトウエア
- (04)パナソニックアドバンストテクノロジー
- (05)富士ゼロックスアドバンストテクノロジー
- (06)ユニアデックス
- (07)日本電気
- (08)NECネットワーク・センサ
- (09)TDK
- (10)ブラザー工業
- (11)日立ハイテクトレーディング
- (12)マツダ
- (13)JR 西日本
- (14)清水建設
- (15)カゴメ
- (16)名古屋製酪(スジャータ めいらくグループ)
- (17)イナックス
- (18)キャノンファインテック
- (19)日東坊
- (20)三菱レイヨン
Session #2 (Job Fair)
14:30-18:00 Company Seminar
- (01)NAMCO BANDAI Games
- (02)NEC Informatec Systems
- (03)NTT Software Corporation
- (04)Panasonic Advanced Technology Development
- (05)Fuji Xerox Advanced Technology
- (06)UNIADEX (Nihon Unisys Group)
- (07)NEC Corporation
- (08)NEC Network and Sensor Systems
- (09)TDK Corporation
- (11)HitachiHigh-Tech Trading Corporation
- (12)Mazda Motor Corporation
- (13)West Japan Railway Company
- (14)SHIMIZU Corporation
- (15)KAGOME
- (16)Meiraku Group
- (17)INAX Corporation
- (19)Nittobo (Nitto Boseki)
(Preparation for the Day) |
・University Student
ID ・Summary Sheets of Questions that you wish to ask
to companies.
・If you wish to make a strong appeal, bring your resume (CV) in Japanese and Foreign Language (English or
Chinese), and One-Page Summary of Research Projects & Future Objectives.