Notes and Advices on Living & Culture, Tradition etc.

-Cultural Differences After I have been in Japan about 7 months, I can notice some culture differences between Thai and Japanese. The first thing is Japanese use chopsticks to eat food but Thai use spoon with folks even rice is the same stable food. Maybe rice in Japan stickier than in my country. However it is still difficult for me to use chopsticks to pick rice. The other thing is when Japanese eat soup; they eat it directly from bowl. When they eat noodle it always has some voice, this is quiet difference for me. In Thailand during we eat food if we make some voice that means we do not have manner. Moreover our basic characteristic taste of food is difference. I think Japanese food is mild, salty and little sweet. Thai food has variety taste especially chili hot and spiced, so when I stay here I feel food be so mild.

-Cultural Similarities However there is much difference culture between us but it still has the main culture is same. We have vertical relationship. The hierarchy between people in upper positions and people in lower positions was observed for a long time since feudal days. However in Thailand is not too strict as in Japan. Those who were in lower positions should obey and respect their superiors because it is a matter of etiquette and social convention. Moreover we also respect elder parents and teachers as it express our gratefulness.

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