
(Under Preparation)

Welcome to UEC Web Page for Global Careered Students.!
This Web site is meant to support recruit activities of foreign students and Japanese students who have study abroad and international careers.

What's New?

  • [2010.11.17] 「理工系 留学生と日本人学生のためのキャリア研究セミナー&合同企業説明」 
                      "Career Seminar & Job Fair for Foreign Students & International Careered Students"
    • 開催日時: 12月18日(土) 13:00〜18:00
    • 参加対象:理工系学生・大学院生が対象です。
    • 共同開催:電通大、東工大、農工大

Can you answer...?

☆企業を選ぶときのチェックリスト(Motivation Checklist for Job Application in Japan)

Before you go to job interview in Japan, Can you answer the following questions?

   Can you clearly answer, in one minute, what are the most important motivation and its reasons to select the company for your first job in Japan?
  • 日本の産業システムや管理システム下での就職経験に興味があるからですか?
    Interested in learning Japanese Management Styles for your future careers?
  • 将来、日本での就職経験を帰国後(あるいは海外)に活かそうと考えていますか?
    Interested in gaining business experience and contacts in Japan for your higher prospective in your country in the future?
  • 会社の規模や知名度に関係なく、エキスパートとしてチャレンジな仕事をすることに興味がありますか?
    Interested in challenging a big with responsible as a professional, regardless of the scale or popularity of the company?
  • 給料が高いからですか?
    Simply, because of higher salary?
  • 恵まれた機材環境や施設で職業能力を高めることを希望したからですか?
    Interested in improving your skills with good environment and facilities of the company?
   Can you answer, in one minute, what are the reason and its benefits that the company in your mind has to hire you?
  • 会社が貴方を採用する目的や理由はなんでしょうか?
    What are the company's purpose or reasons to hire you? or simply Why they have to hire you?
  • 会社は、上記の目的や理由に対して、あなたのどの特技や能力に着目するべきだと思いますか?
    Which skills and ability of yours should the company look at you for the benefit to hire you? or what are the company's benefit from hiring you?

   Can you answer, in one minute, company's profile, project and services, and what you could contribute in there?

  • 希望する会社での事業部の場所と事業内容を知っていますか?
    Can you speak which branches and contents of enterprise at the company in your mind?
  • 希望する会社の事業部や事業内容の中で、どこの事業部に行く可能性があるか知っていますか?
    Can you tell which branch and office you would be placed at the company?
  • 希望する会社の中で、何の担当になるか知っていますか?
    Can you tell what kind of jobs and responsibility that you would be in charge at the company?
  • その会社で担当する仕事は、前述の(1)で答えた動機や理由と一致していますか?
    Do you see how much you would have good matching what you answer here with what you answered in question one mentioned-above.

UEC International Center
Chofu City, Tokyo, Postcode #182-8585, Japan
Telephone : 042-443-5746
Facsimile : 042-443-5804
電子メール : career@fedu.uec.ac.jp