IEC Home Researchers Health and Safety Safety in Japan

Safety in Japan

If you violate Japanese laws, you may be arrested or deported from Japan. While in Japan, please be aware of the following points:

To Report a Crime, Theft, or Traffic Accident (Dial the police department at 110.)

These calls are handled across Japan on a 24-hour basis. If someone is injured, the police can call an ambulance.

How to Make an Emergency 110 Call

Concerning the Use of Illegal Drugs

In Japan, possession of all illegal drugs, such as marijuana, stimulants, cocaine, heroin, opium, LSD, and MDMA, are strictly prohibited by law. Please be aware that possession of even a small amount of any of these illegal drugs is punishable by law as a criminal offense and could lead to serving a sentence in jail.

Created: December 13, 2017 / Last modified:December 13, 2017