Exchanges and Programs
IEC Home Exchanges and Programs Topics 【Report】Student Delegation of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China visits UEC.

【Report】Student Delegation of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China visits UEC.

A delegation of 39 students and 2 supervisors of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) visited UEC on 24 July, 2018.
After the welcome greeting and an introductory presentation about UEC by Assistant Professor Sasaki, Center for International Program and Exchange (CIPE); they visited UEC Communication Museum, Prof. Yokoi Laboratory and Robomech Factory. They also had interactive discussions with 4 JUSST exchange students from UESTC and Associate Professor Choo Cheow Keong, who is an instructor of JUSST by receiving introduction of daily life in Japan. 

Created: September 6, 2018 / Last modified:September 6, 2018