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[Report] Opening Ceremony of the UEC China Research and Education Center

On October 1,2017, UEC opened the UEC China Research and Education Center in Beijing to consolidate and further strengthen the education and research collaboration with universities, institutions and companies in China. We held an opening ceremony at the Beijing Friendship Hotel on October 19, and had distinguished guests from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shenyang University of Institute (SUT), Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), Nankai University (NKU), Chinese Academy of Sciences and the UEC Alumni Association MEGUROKAI. The roles of this Center are as followings;

The meeting call of this opening ceremony was initiated by the Member of the Board of directors of UEC, Dr. Nakano, and President of UEC, Dr. Fukuda gave a greeting address. Then, our honored guest Prof. Zhihong YANG from BIT gave a congratulatory address and Prof. Yokoi presentedhistories and results of our collaboration and explained about the purpose and works of this center. Prof. Shi from BIT gave explanation about the Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robots and Sytems (BAICIRS) where this center is located. After this, the Vice President of UEC Prof. Abe gave a closing talk.

In the Reception, President Prof. Fukuda gave opening remarks, and Deputy Director of BAICIRS Prof. Huang gave a congratulatory speech from the guest of honor, and the Director of R&D Center for Green Energy Automotive Electronics, Prof. Chen gave a toast. Furthermore, The Chairman of the UEC Alumni Association MEGUROKAI Mr. Nonomura gave an introduction of Megurokai and expressed support for this center. The reception was closed by a speech from Dr. Tanaka, the Member of the Board of directors and the Vice President of UEC.


Created: October 31, 2017 / Last modified:November 1, 2017