Report on the courtesy visit to Beijing Institute of Technology - Making Arrangements for Opening the UEC China Research and Education Center -
On September 8, 2017, for our purpose of establishing core of excellence in China, Dr. Nakano, the Member of the Board of Directors, Mr. Shimizu, the Vice Director, Professor Yokoi, and Associate Professor Jiang visited the Office of International Affairs of Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT).
BIT is one of the most high ranked and powerful universities (ranked in top 20) in China, located at Haidian District, an academic area of Beijing which is easily accessible by public transport, where many prestigious universities (Beijing University, Qinghua University, etc.) are located. Cooperation between BIT and UEC has been fruitful in exchanging international students and internship students as well as in research collaborations, under the international exchange agreement and Global Alliance Lab MOU between BIT and UEC signed in October 2016.
We are now planning to establish the UEC China Research and Education Center (UCREC) to consolidate and further strengthen the education and research cooperation with universities and research institutions in China. We will open UCREC at Professor Yokoi’s laboratory at the Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robots and Systems (BAICIRS) to provide assistance to exchange students and researchers, use as a meeting space and an office for advertisement, and promote above mentioned collaboration. In order to introduce our plan of the opening event of UCREC which will take place on October 19, 2017, Dr. Nakano and his delegation members paid a courtesy visit to the Office of International Affairs, the administration office of BIT, and explained our plan to Dr. Xing, the Associate Director of Office of International Affairs, BIT.
Dr. Xing provided introduction of research and education of BIT, mentioning UEC president Dr. Fukuda’s visit to BIT a year ago, the international exchange agreements between BIT and UEC, Global Alliance Lab MOU, and other collaboration with UEC, and gave warm welcome for further cooperation between BIT and UEC which will be promoted by the opening of UCREC. We had the opportunity of meeting Ms. Mao, Manager, Division of International Partnership Extension and Ms. Zhang. The discussion with Dr. Xing and BIT members was very fruitful for further facilitating bilateral exchanges between BIT and UEC.
Created: September 28, 2017 / Last modified:September 28, 2017