[Report] The 4th Global Alliance Lab between Beijing Institute of Technology and the University of Electro-Communications
Together with the General Agreement, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Global Alliance Lab (GAL) between Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) was signed at BIT on October 21, 2014.
The main aims of GAL include establishing international collaboration academic activities including bi-directional student exchange programs, internships, special lectures by faculty members from both universities, and research collaboration.
One of the unique features of GAL is that both universities can set up space on each other's campus for faculty members, researchers and students to use during their visit. The GAL will facilitate continuous international collaboration activities between the two universities. Furthermore, members of other GALs can also use the network.
The signing ceremony was organized by Prof. Qiang Huang (Executive Deputy Director, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robotics(BAICIR)) and Assoc. Prof. Qingqing Xing (Associate Director, Office of International Affairs). The participants include Prof. Haiyan Hu (President), Prof. Wang Cheng (Dean, School of Mechatronical Engineering), Prof. Qiang Huang, Prof. Yong Zhou (Deputy Director, BAICIR), Mr. Ning Du (Deputy Director, BAICIR), Prof. Fukuda Toshio (Professor, The Thousand Talents Plan), Assoc. Prof. Qing Shi(BAICIR), Prof. Shuiyuan Tang (Director, Office of International Affairs), Assoc. Prof. Qingqing Xing, and Ms. Xiaodong Chen(BAICIR) from BIT, and Prof. Takashi Fukuda, Prof. Hiroshi Yokoi, Prof. Aiguo Ming, and Assoc. Prof. Yinlai Jiang from UEC.
After signing of the General Agreement by Prof. Hu and Prof. Fukuda, the signing ceremony of GAL was held by Prof. Yokoi and Prof. Huang with the MOU signed by Prof. Jie Chen (Vice President, BIT) and Prof. Abe (Vice President, UEC).
The GAL of BIT is set up in the BAICIR. In the following 5 years, the communications between both faculty members and students will be strengthened by GAL to construct an international education and research center.
Created: October 27, 2016 / Last modified:October 27, 2016