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Delegation from King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) Visited UEC

On October 31, 2013, Ms.Wija Tintamora and other two staff from KMITL visited UEC. They made a courtesy call on Mr.Taura, Deputy Director of Center for International Programs and Exchange, and had a meeting about the further exchange program with the faculty members from Center for International Programs and Exchange of UEC. They also visited International House where the exchange students form KMITL lives, and Professor Aoyama’s Lab (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems) where one of the exchange students from KMITL is conducting research on robotics.

Due to this visit, it is now expected that the partnership between KMITL and UEC will show further growth.

Created: November 12, 2013 / Last modified:November 12, 2013