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The 1st Forum (Aug 7-9, 2006)

On Aug. 7 through 9, 2006 ICT Triangle Forum was held here at UEC. UEC, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (BUPT) in China, and Information and Communications University (ICU) in Korea have been developing international cooperative relationships and seeking for ways to enhance coordination for research and education within the Triangle, the above three institutes, as well as business-academia collaboration in the field of Information and Communications Technology. And, this was the very first event that took place.

From BUPT 16 participants and from ICU 9 participants visited while from UEC dozens of faculty members and 11 students participated in information exchanges of their research and education and opinion exchanges of further interactions and collaborations.

Five main events in the Forum were:

International Symposium on Advanced ICT (AICT) 2006

The AICT 2006 was the core event of the Forum. A total of 45 presentations were made in four different rooms by Japanese institutes and corporations in addition to the Triangle. Also, a special lecture “Information and communications policy in Japan” was presented by Mr. FUJIMOTO, Head of Information Distribution Advancement Promotion Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Opening Date & Time: 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Aug 8
Venue: Communication Park and Building E-4, UEC

Plenary Session
-Introduction to research activities at UEC
-Introduction to research activities at BUPT (Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications)
-Introduction to research activities at ICU (Information and Communications University)

Session 1: Optical Communications and Networks
Session 2: Wireless Communications
Session 3: Information and Security
Session 4: Advanced Control and Robotics


The Committee Meeting




Special Lecture

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The Triangle Student Program

On Aug. 7 and 8 the Triangle students took a part of the Forum for student collaboration and exchange, learning about the other two Angles’ institutes and campus lives. Prof Tsuyoshi ITO, UEC, gave a lecture concerning the computer game concept, followed by its internet demonstration. Afterwards, “Go” goodwill games were played by 8 members between UEC “Go” Club and BUPT.

Heated game of “Go”

“Go” players on no side

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UEC Campus Tour

On Aug. 7 the Triangle participants joined the UEC campus tour to visit educational and research facilities such as the library, the computer lab, and the language lab as well as ICT related laboratories.

In Language Laboratory



At Satellite Venture Business Labs (SVBL)

In Museum of Historic Materials

At Institute for Laser Science (ILS)


In Robot-mech workshop, NAKANO Lab

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Technical Tour

On Aug. 9 the participants visited NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) New Generation Wireless Communication Research Center, NTT Docomo R&D both in Yokosuka Research Park, and Fujitsu and Fujitsu Laboratories in Kawasaki, Kanagawa pref. in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

At NICT New Generation Wireless Communication Research Center

In the welcome session

UWB experimentation

Milliwave radar experimentation

At NTT Docomo R&D

In the welcome session

  In the showroom

Introducing the latest cell phone model

At Fujitsu

In the showroom #1

In the showroom #2

A robot demonstration

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Forum Banquet

On Aug. 8 after the AICT 2006 and the Student Program were over, the Forum Banquet was held for all the Forum participants at Harmonia in University Center. Following plenary speeches addressed by the Triangle tops, Prof YAMADA, Vice-president, UEC proposed a toast and UEC glee club gave a chorus performance for welcome. All the participants, including those from other institutes and corporations in Japan, took another opportunity for knowing each other and creating new ties.

At the Banquet

A chorus performance by glee club

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Created: August 7, 2006 / Last modified:December 3, 2012