Global Action Plan
Globalization to Realize UEC Vision 2018
"UEC Vision 2018" is an initiative designed to establish an International Center of Excellence for education and research in Comprehensive Communication Sciences. Since its mission is to cultivate engineers and researchers to support the increasingly globalized community of the 21st century, The University of Electro-Communications sees globalization as one of the most important challenges it faces. In view of this, UEC strives to promote international activities based on the following policies and plans.

Expand overseas foreign-language courses, short-term study abroad programs, and international internships to motivate internationalization
- Promote international exchange education and student research exchanges with international partner schools, and increase opportunities for participation in international conferences and summer schools
- Enrich English language-study curriculums
- Provide more exchange opportunities on campus, including international events, language study and overseas study guidance
- Increase the number of students sent on overseas study trips each year to about 300 by 2018

Accept more students on short-term study exchange programs (JUSST) and produce more UEC graduates
- Develop educational programs at UEC and collaborative education programs with international partner schools through greater use of English language
- Increase the number of scholarships for international students and enable admission (screening) before arrival in Japan
- Help international students understand Japanese culture and establish a support system for international alumni
- Increase the proportion of international students to 10% by 2018 and promote greater acceptance of international PhD students

Support research by academic staff in collaboration with overseas universities and research institutes and encourage systematic international joint research projects
- Promote unique, distinctive research activities and establish UEC as an international research base
- Create more opportunities for young academic staff to visit overseas institutions and promote systematic research and education activities with those institutions
- Promote joint research with overseas companies through cooperation with international partner schools, collaborating Japanese companies, and international UEC alumni
- Encourage contribution of academic staff to international scientific conferences

Pursue collaboration efforts with overseas universities and research institutes that offer potentially beneficial partnerships
- Substantially enhance bases for overseas activities, making use of our Shenzhen Virtual University Park office in China and overseas branches of Megurokai, as well as shared use of offices at other universities
- Upgrade overseas networks of UEC alumni and expand and enhance frameworks for cooperation of alumni in overseas exchange activities
- Enhance international exchange support functions
- Strengthen safety and crisis management systems in international exchange activities

Use the Web to enhance information dissemination capabilities and make the unique features and track record of UEC known throughout the world
- Provide more opportunities to showcase UEC's appeal to university administrators, academics, and students at international events and international partner schools
- Publicize UEC's successful record of international scientific activities and international exchange initiatives, both on and off campus

Expand and improve accommodation for foreigners
- Produce more bilingual (Japanese/English) versions of explanatory materials, administrative procedure documents, campus signs, and information boards
- Improve English-language editing and correction services
- Promote the use of “open labs” as places for international joint research and international exchange education

- Aiming to become an International Center of Excellence ( COE ) for education and research in Comprehensive Communication Sciences
- Cultivating internationally minded, ethical individuals who are richly equipped with practical skills by building on a foundation of solid international-level academic ability
- Providing an environment that brings together students and young researchers from all over the world who pursue research without constraints in order to generate unique, fresh ideas
- Enhancing the quality of education and research through various kinds of partnerships and cooperation with Japanese and international universities and companies, as well as local communities and citizens, to make a real contribution to the world
- Increasing the openness and transparency of management, building greater trust among students and faculties and raising their spirits, and striving to earn the respect and trust of the public
- Global Action Plan Japanese edition (2.5MB)
- Global Action Plan Chinese edition (3.6MB)
- Global Action Plan English edition (6.2MB)
Created: April 8, 2010 / Last modified: November 19, 2012