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The scholarship application with university's recommendation for self-financed international students

This registration has been closed.

The scholarship application that requires university's recommendation is now available. Please download following files and apply your documents and recommendation letter(s) from your advisor.
(日本語で読む  クリック)
Here we inform you that all application documents are written in Japanese because almost all (~90%) scholarship foundations require application in Japanese and shall implement scholarship interview only in Japanese. You can apply your application documents in English to UEC international student office, but you have to know it's a little bit hard to be selected for scholarship nomination compared to well Japanese learner.
* Shogakukin-obo-yoko (The Application guideline)
* Shogakukin-boshu-chosho-to-isshiki (The Application set; only downloadable at the UEC)
Due date
Wednesday, August 31 2016
Submit to
International Student Office (E2-109)
Japanese or English
We will hold Scholarship Interview on Monday September 26 2016. Please make sure that you have to take this interview if you hope any university recommendation for scholarships of 2016. The details will be available on CIPE WEB or the notice board later.
Please make sure that if you succeed in the scholarship that requires university's recommendation and also the other scholarships and if those scholarships don’t permit you receive all of them due to its regulations, you have to choose the scholarship that requires university's recommendation regardless of amount of payment, duration, extra perks etc. of the others.

Created: July 5, 2016 / Last modified:July 6, 2016