The Safety Confirmation System
This event was held.
The message below is going to be sent to all students who registered “the Safety Confirmation System” on Friday, 1st November around 16:00.
The message is going to be in Japanese. Please try to answer the system, if you can.
Also, please try to register if you have not done it yet.
The first message to be sent
Title:The Drill for the Safety Confirmation System
This mail has been sent to the people who have registered on the UEC Safety Confirmation System. We conduct the drill based on the assumption that an earthquake above level 5.0 on the Japanese scale hit our area. Specifically, we would like to verify if the Internet communication system (sending/receiving emails) does work.
[To inform your state]
You can send e-mail or use Web service to inform your state to us.
- Do not alter the message title.
- In the track of below example, write your safety and present location on the first line of the body text.
- Do not enter any space or line break.
- (Example)
- If you are not injured & you are in UEC…あた
- If you are slightly injured & you are at home in Chofu city…かは調布市
Use Web Service
- Access to URL on the tail end of the body text.
- Enter your safety and present location via screen navigation.
- Touch a button「登録(Register)」and Confirm your state.
あ Not Injured (Safe)
か Slightly Injured
さ Seriously Injured
た In UEC Campus
な In Tamagawa Athletic Field
は At Home in ○○City
ま Other Place in ○○City
If you have any message, you can write them after entering your state.
The second message to be sent
Title:The Drill Finished
This is UEC. We announce that the drill for the Safety Confirmation System has finished. Thank you for your great cooperation. Later, we will convey the outcome of the drill on UEC’s Campus Homepage.
Created: October 28, 2013 / Last modified:October 28, 2013