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IEC Home Current Students News The Rules concerning Riding Bicycles on Public Roads have been Revised (These rules are stated to come into effect on Dec. 1st, 2013.)

The Rules concerning Riding Bicycles on Public Roads have been Revised (These rules are stated to come into effect on Dec. 1st, 2013.)

Two new rules, 1) “Bicycle Inspection Rule,” and 2) “Rule for Riding on a road that without sidewalks,” came into effect on December 1st, 2013. Bend the rules, you shall be punished with imprisonment up to three months or fined up to 50,000 Yen.

When ride on roads without sidewalks

Riders (Bicyclists) are required by law to keep to the left side of the road at all times. For details, please refer to the figure below.

For your information, all bicyclists should adhere to the following "Five Bicycle Safety Rules."

  1. In principle, bicyclists shall basically use the roadway, pedestrian sidewalks are an exception.
  2. On roadways, bicyclists should keep to the left side.
  3. When on sidewalks, pedestrians have the priority, thus bicyclists shall ride slowly and keep on the side of the roadway.
  4. Follow the traffic (safety) rules. (Do not ride under the influence of alcohol. Do not ride in tandem. Do not ride side by side. Do not use umbrellas, headphones, earphones, and cell phones when riding. Do not ride without lights at night. Obey the traffic laws and road signs.)
  5. Children must wear helmets.

Bicycle Inspection by police

If you ride without brakes, or ride with defective brakes, the police can stop you for inspection, you are not allowed to ride on any bicycle without brakes.

Maintain your bicycle brakes in good condition, and check them before each ride.

Created: December 9, 2013 / Last modified:December 9, 2013