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Notification of health checkup

All the students are required to have a health checkup examination.


For Which Student Date Time
For the FIRST and SECOND YEAR undergraduate students April 16, Tuesday 13:30-16:30
For graduate students, research students April 16, Tuesday 17:30-20:30
For the THIRD and FOURTH YEAR undergraduate students April 17, Wednesday 9:30-12:30

*The FIRST and SECOND YEAR undergraduate students have NO CLASS from 3 to 5 period on 16th April.
*The THIRD and FOURTH YEAR undergraduate students have NO CLASS from 1 to 2 period on 17th April.
*Graduate students have classes as usual.

Examination items and examination place

Examination items Male students Female students
height and weight, eyesight, blood pressure Gymnasium Ⅰ Health Care Center
X-ray testing X-ray car at west campus Health Care Center
Seeing a doctor Building W-5(1st floor) Health Care Center
Submitting the picked urine The specified place of Gymnasium Ⅰ

Please submit the health checkup card to the specified place of Gymnasium Ⅰ after all exams are completed.


If you miss to have our health checkup this time, we will not be able to issue a certificate of health checkup examination when you are required to show one by university and company or you apply for a scholarship.
Please note that you have to pay around 2,000-10,000 yen for having a health checkup at hospital.

Please pick up "a kit of examination of urine" and "a health checkup card" at Health Care Center by April 15.
Research student can get a kit and a card at the corridor of E-2 building.
Health Care Center opening hours: 9:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00

Please fill in the following items of the health checkup card; Student ID number, Name, Gender, Department, Birthday, and questionnaire in advance.

Do not forget to bring "the health checkup card" and "the picked urine" on the day of health checkup.

International Student Office

Created: March 14, 2013 / Last modified:March 15, 2013