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Student Nationality: U.S.A.

Home-Visit My home visit was with the wonderful family of Mrs. Shimada, including herself, her mother, her husband, and her three children. My friend and I went together - we were so excited! When she arrived, we went to her house. She runs a ramen shop with her husband, so the ground floor was actually the ramen shop - her house was the second and third floor above it.

Home-Visit After a tour of their beautiful home and some introductions, we all sat down at the main table. We enjoyed Japanese tea and candies, and played a rousing game of Old Maid. Unfortunately, I forget the name in Japanese, but it was a family favorite; by the end of the night we had played with every member of the family.

Home-Visit Shortly after, we discussed the differences between the traditions of America, Thailand, and Japan for Christmas and the New Year. Then we joined the children in playing games and making origami on the table. We learned how to make a crane, and then made some creations of our own.

After the origami and games were finished, we all sat together and enjoyed homemade udon and tempura. It was so delicious I never wanted to stop eating it! Boom and I have arranged to visit them next month, as well, to continue the fun. The home visit was so much fun, and her family was so kind and welcoming!

Created: November 9, 2013 / Last modified:February 26, 2014