Foreign student International Culture Exchange Society
(Serves for 6-8 person)
- 1 medium chiken - cleaned and cut into pieces
- 3 tomatoes - chopped
- 3 potatoes -quartered
- 1/2 pumpkin - quartered
- 2 large onions -chopped
- 2 cups thick coconut milk
- 2 cups thin coconut milk
- 1/2 cups ground cashewnuts
Ingredients (A)
- 2.5cm piece stick cinnamon
- 2 cloves
- 3 cardamons
- 6 black peppercorns
Ingredients (B)
- 5 cm piece ginger
- 1 pod garlic
Ingredients (C)
- 6 dried chillies
- 1 small piece turmeric
- 2 tsps aniseed
- 1 cup oil
- salt to taste
- Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed pan and fry onions until golden.
- Add tomatoes and fry for a few more minutes.
- Add ground spices(A),and fry for a few minutes.
- Add(B) and fry for 2 minutes.
- Add(C) and fry well.
- Add the chicken and fry,stirring well,till oil separates.
- Pour in the thin coconut milk,and add the potatoes. Then add the pumpkin,
stirring well. Leave to simmer till chicken is tender.
- Add thick coconut milk and ground cashew-nuts. Season to taste and serve hot.
(Serves for 6-8 person)
- 24 sheets spring roll wrappers
- 150 gms prawns and 150 gms chicken meat {Minced}
- 1 medium carrot - grated and cooked for 2 minutes
- 1 small cucumber - shredded
- 2 eggs - beaten, made into omelette and shredded
- 2 pieces beancurd - fried and shredded
- 6 stalks spring onions - shredded
- 20 Iettuce leaves
- 4 cloves garlic - crushed
- 3 green chillies - sliced
- 3tbsps oil
- Salt, pepper and sugar to taste
- 2 cloves garlic and 2 red chillies {Minced}
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 tbsps sugar
- 1/2 cup vinegar
- 1 1/2 tsps water
Prepare sauce
- Mix all the sauce ingredients together, stirring until sugar dissolves.
Prepare filling
- Heat oil and fry minced chicken meat and prawns.
- Add garlic and fry until meat changes colour.
- Add chillies and spring onions and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Add strained vegetables, sugar and cook for 5 minutes, then add shredded
cucumber and bean curd. Moisten the filling with sufficient water.
How to serve
- Spread lettuce leaf on each spring roll wrapper and top with a spoonful of filling.
- Garnish with shredded omelette. Roll up and wet the edges to stick them
You can serve the poh piah raw or deep fried.Serve with sauce.
Note:If there are any Popiah skins left over, wrap in cling cellophane wrap
and refrigerate.
If you have any advice or comments please mail to